Adriana M. Montoya
Founder President / CEO

From a very young age Adriana has been devoted to various charitable and benevolent causes. She has developed an unmatched sense of compassion, an unparalleled work ethic, and a strong ability to give hope of a better future to people in need. Adriana has seen the need within each community, particularly minority and disadvantaged communities, to provide better options upon graduation or loss of a job and to move from the view of employee to owner. She has taken notice that some of the obstacles include: language barriers, insufficient knowledge of the rules and regulations for new entrepreneurs, and education on the mechanisms that are available through government, financial institutions, and others. As a result, the National American Outreach Foundation was born on January 2014. As founder and President/CEO, Adriana is in charge of managing the day-to-day operations of the organization and has full responsibility for public relations, marketing, and government affairs.
The organization has clear objectives in its focus on helping all communities in the state of Florida, and in the future, extending nationwide and globally. Adriana is currently organizing various educational and multimedia materials aimed at improving the quality of life of all communities with an emphasis on minorities and the disadvantaged.
Adriana brings a wealth of experience to the organization. She speaks three languages – English, Spanish and Portuguese. She was the top producer for a Fortune 100 corporation and has more than 20 years experience in the hospitality industry. She also has extensive knowledge of communications, marketing, and Real estate. Adriana is committed to leading and operating the Foundation to its fullest potential.